It seems there is an increased interest in learning about fighting
on the street. I base that on the number of emails we get on the
Street fighting for the purpose of learning how to pick fights
or to gang fight is not our interest. So when I get these type
of emails I never even respond. Some, however, are really interested
in self defense or responding to a street attack or fight.
Learning fighting techniques for the street can be a diverse
issue. Winning
on the Street is an interesting example. The ads for that
product either get rave reviews or hate letters. Most of these
come from martial artists who believe their martial arts techniques
will always work in a street confrontation.
Most of us have heard of black belts fighting someone on the
street and getting their butt kicked. This is sometimes due to
their false security that their dojo fighting techniques will
really work in real self defense.
Most martial artists are not familiar with adrenal stress conditioning.
They have never trained under duress so when a real fighting situation
occurs they are shocked to find they cannot access their multi-step,
fine motor coordination techniques. Read more about street fighting.