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Can A Smaller, Weaker Person Fight Back Against A Larger Stronger Attacker!

These days everyone is looking for a magic pill that can render them invincible against any threatening source. Although no such magic cure exists, We teach, in a very short time, the real life skills needed to handle most situations very effectively.

Now obviously fighting back against a large and determined attacker is going to be harder than against a smaller one. But statistically the average assailant is approx. 5’6" to 5’8" and 160 lbs. Factor in the reality that most attackers are looking for an easy victim and are not looking for a fight anyway, and a smaller person’s odds substantially increase no matter the size of the assailant.

There is also the empirical evidence that 'attitude' is the single most determining factor as to whether or not someone survives an attack (see Street Self Defense 101). In other words, the person that can crank up and focus the adrenaline fear rush in their defense usually is the victor. Fancy technical training is not helpful compared to the ability to fight for all one is worth! Look at a cat that is pinned in a corner by a bigger stronger dog. The dog is 'woofing' to intimidate the cat into being a victim. If the cat turns and runs, the dog gives heavy chase. But if the cat faces its foe, raises its hackles, and hisses for all its worth, the physically superior dog typically backs off (That is if it has any brains at all. If not then it gets a real face full of claws.) So it also goes with humans.

Renowned self defense expert, Peyton Quinn, has done research that gives a fascinating insight into the mindset of assailants. Almost without exception these convicted felons state that they look for an easy prey that communicates victim mentality. Physical size itself is not a determining factor without reading the other cues of body language, eye contact, awareness of environment etc.

A potential victim can be large or small as long as they pass the above initial screening process. Thus even a very small person who can communicate assertiveness will usually thwart an attack before it begins. Even if that small person does draw an attacker, good verbal skills and eye contact typically work to diffuse the situation.

My partner Bill Kipp says, and I quote: "I can vouch first hand for the power and spirit that physically small women, men, and even children can assert. In the Bulletman suit (full body armour) it is these very people who usually ring my bell simply because smaller physical size is so unassuming. When such a person taps into the emotional / bio chemical adrenal rush and applies it in a full force strike the power is truly amazing. Even with 35 lbs of the finest body armor available the force is discernibly felt. An attacker who is not looking for a fight will probably back off immediately. As the old adage says: It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog."

See Winning on the Street.




