Kicks and Super Human Strength
It feels silly to even write about
this, yet the myth that kicking someone in the groin will give
him super human strength is still perpetuated by various sources.
I can see a basis for this line of thought, inaccurate as I believe
it to be. Looking to understand the thinking that leads people
to make these statements and theories, I find there is usually
(though not always) some logical thought process behind this,
Personally I have used snap kicks to the groins of attackers in
real fights with remarkable success. I have also been on the receiving
end of more than one groin kick and have found it to be quite
an effective target, sometimes much to my chagrin.?
One personal source of this misinformation
is a Police Officer who trains Swat Teams Self Defense by hard
sparring in the conventional martial arts manner. Since sparring
is done as a mutually agreed upon training exercise (symmetrical
vs. asymmetrical), the participants should and do learn how to
protect the groin area. Whether the groin is deemed an acceptable
target or not, male students tend to naturally protect their groin
in this type of training. When discussing the groin as a target,
this Police Officer was emphatic about his inability to deliver
a strike to the groin in his training sessions. His officers were
able to protect their groin very effectively while sparring. I
know I certainly did in my days of sparring.
However, sparring is quite different
from real fighting. Even heavy sparring employs a degree of conscious
thought process and physical dexterity that is simply not available
in the full adrenal rush. I have seen many a skilled technical
fighter stand flat on their feet and throw ineffective haymaker
punches in real street encounters. Many of these incidents end
up in a clinch with both fighters standing squared off trying
to get leverage over the other. To the aware fighter it is often
a simple task to throw a front kick or a knee into the groin of
their opponent. It sure has worked for me, sometimes to my amazement
as my foe dropped like a sack of potatoes from a relatively light
force strike. The groin can be a very effective target. Hardcore
no-holds barred fighting contests do not allow full contact strikes
to the groin for this very reason.
There is a woman who owns a martial
arts school in Colorado. This woman emphatically tells her students
to never kick a man in the groin. She sites examples where women
have been severely beaten after attempting ineffectual strikes
to the groin. This is akin to saying never fight back, which law
enforcement agents used to say and have now totally reversed their
stance. I would imagine some poorly trained women and men in the
past have had this negative experience. But the overwhelming evidence
is that the groin is an excellent target.
My third source is from a friend
who grew up in New York City. It seems he feels the stigma of
growing up in 'The City' is that he’s supposed to be rough and
tough. The stories of his exploits are elaborate and in my book
unrealistic reports of flying spin kicks and other highly technical
techniques that he’s supposedly used in real fights. Always taking
his accounts with a grain of salt, the clincher came when we were
sharing experiences one evening. He was visibly offended when
I mentioned having used groin kicks in real fights. This was apparently
outside his code of ethical fighting, and he said as much. I remember
being amazed by this coming from someone who supposedly was such
a fighter. Inner-city survival would be pretty rough under such
a code.
My sense is that he learned much
more about street fighting from watching movies and hearing the
many embellished stories than actual fighting on the streets.
In other words, my good buddy likes to "tell stories" to some
My stance is that there is no such
thing as a 'bad' target if the defender strikes with conviction
and power. There may be better targets than others. But when it
comes to the male groin, no manner of conditioning or weight training
can make this area impervious to strikes while under duress.
Written by Bill Kipp - President,
International F.A.S.T.
Defense Association.
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